Saturday, June 26, 2010

About The Layers Palette

before we learned more about photoshop, it would be better if we know the basics of photoshop.
in a previous post that i have provided some idea of the basic concepts in photoshop, and photoshop work area. this tim i will be giving a tutorial "about the layers palette".
layer palette is a palette that consists of all layers, including layer effects. we can also show or hide the layer palette.

Layer Palette Photoshop
A. Layers Palette Menu
B. Group
C. Layer
D. Collapse Layer de effects
E. Layer Effect
F. Layer Thumbnail

  • To display the layers palette, choose Windows >> Layers.
  • To use the layers palette menu. clik the triangle in the upper right corner of the pelette.
  • it contains commands for working with layers.
  • to change the size of layer thumbnail, choose palette option from the layers palette menu, and select a thumbnail size.
  • to the change thumbnail content, choose palette options from the layers palette menu and select entri document to display the contents of the entri document. select layer bounds to restrict the thumbnail to the object's pixel on the layer.
  • select the show thumbnails box to show a composite image of the group rather than the group icon.
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